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An effective web site should be attractive, functional, and easy for your customers to navigate. To that end, we try to keep several principles in mind. The main one is to keep it simple. Unless Java is required for legitimate reasons, it's better to avoid it. Too many people use it for flashy tricks and effects, with the result that it slows down the load time of your pages. If your page doesn't load within 60 seconds, it's likely that potential customers will go elsewhere. We don't want that to happen.
Straight HTML is still the backbone of the web and will be for some time to come. But the possibilities using just HTML are endless. Your pages can be color and graphic coordinated, or each page can be different, yet still harmonious, attractive, and well themed. We will always strive to make your pages reasonably quickly loading, attractive, focused on your business, easy to navigate and filled with easy to understand content.
Attractive doesn't mean filled with graphics and animated gifs. It means using a graphic that's focused and expresses the aim or nature of your business, color balanced pages and as much content as is available. You want possible customers to stop at your site and take the time to look. Business sites that are plain and uninteresting will not accomplish this, nor will pages that are filled with tricks and ill fitting graphics. We will always strive to create artistically pleasing, interesting pages. Pages that will attract potential customer's eyes and minds.
We will create your page from the ground up, taking any wishes you might have into consideration. We don't work in a vacuum. Not only must your customers be pleased, but you have to be satisfied as well. We want you to look at the pages that we've built for you and feel you could not have gotten a better job with anyone else at the fees we charge. We will work as quickly as possible, yet never stint our quality. Content will be edited and provided by professional writers, focused on enhancing your pages and getting your message across.
We work in an open environment. Please feel free to Email us with any questions you might have, before, during or after the design process.

We offer a complete graphics service for web based or print illustrations, advertisements, banners, graphics and gifs. Our main software programs are Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro. 3D programs are available upon request. Our graphics designer is a well published artist in the science fiction, fantasy and horror field, with several years of experience in designing for web based applications as well. This means the graphic content of your page will be attractive, with backgrounds, buttons, navigation bars, titles and graphics color balanced, harmonious and well designed.
Our fees for seperate graphics services vary with the job. Please Email us with details for a quote. Feel free to browse our graphics page for a few examples of our work.

We're anxious and willing to help you in any way possible. We can advise you on promoting your site, picking a host, establishing partnerships or sponsors, delivering content, and any other concerns you might have, whether we built your site or not. Many designers build the sites, but that's all they do. We will help and advise you on submitting your site to search engines, establishing banner exchanges, improving the look or functioning of your site, in short, anything you might need. We've even been known to advise people on personal problems. Just Email us.

New Service

We've just started offering a new service. If you have children or grandchildren, let us build a web site just for them. You send us pictures of them you want on the site, tell us about their interests, and we'll do the rest. Their own website, reflecting their interests, with links, music, graphics and content, just for them.

We want to be a complete service center for your internet needs. Along with our other services, we also provide a search service, which you can find out about on our search page.
For those who desire music on their pages, we have over 80 Megs of midis, which we have sequenced or resequenced specifically for the Soundblaster Awe 64 soundcard for best quality sound. Our midis cover all styles of music, and we make them freely available for your use when we design your pages. Please feel free to listen or download the samples we've included on our music page.

Website Portfolio

Nikki's Page
Niversa Films
Tessie's Page
Rosewort Magazine
Dragonglass Magazine
Calico's Home Page
